Bluestacks 3

Windows 64 Bit

The installer automatically detects the Operating System your device is running and chooses the right version of BlueStacks.


BlueStacks App Player 3.5 free download latest version standalone offline setup for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit. The BlueStacks App Player 3.5 is a reliable application to create Android virtual environment on Windows. BlueStacks App Player 3.5 Overview. Windows can not directly run Android applications, so there is a need for an Android.

  1. Feb 19, 2020.
  2. Bluestacks 3 App Player is definitely a major upgrade from Bluestacks App Player and Bluestacks 2. It is the number one choice of users, its compatible with thousands of apps and is.
  3. Aug 08, 2017.
  4. BlueStacks gains success soon after it was released. To improve the performance, the company released BlueStacks 2, BlueStacks 3, BlueStacks N, and recently BlueStacks 4. Each version brings enhancements in performances, graphics, and features.

Choose from the Other BlueStacks Versions

Operating System


  • Windows 32 Bit
  • Windows 64 Bit
  • MAC

Note: To run this version, your PC needs to be VT compatible and VT enabled


  • If I have a 32-bit Windows PC and want to run 32-bit Android apps, which version of BlueStacks do I need?

    You need the 32-bit Android version of BlueStacks

  • If I have a 64-bit Windows PC and want to run 64-bit Android apps, which version of BlueStacks do I need?

    You need the 64-bit Android Version of BlueStacks. Also, your PC should be VT enabled. Here is a step-by-step guide to enable VT on your PC - How can I enable VT on my PC

  • I’m running an earlier version of BlueStacks. Should I update?

    Yes, absolutely. We recommend that you download the latest version of BlueStacks based on your system requirements. All the updated versions are faster, more powerful and come with a lot of new features to improve your gaming experience.

  • Should I download BlueStacks from a third-party site?

    No. We strongly recommend that you download BlueStacks only from the official BlueStacks website. Downloading BlueStacks from third-party sites may infect your PC with malware and compromise its security.

  • Browse this list of articles to further improve your gaming experience with BlueStacks.

    • Introducing the best, most advanced keyboard controls editor ever.
    • How can I change the graphics mode on BlueStacks ?
    • How to speed up BlueStacks ?
    • How can I allocate more memory to BlueStacks ?
    • How can I use macro recorder ?
  • Questions? Send an email to

Read the latest from the BlueStacks Editor's Blog

For past couple of years, Bluestacks has almost become the uncontested king of Android emulators for both Windows and Mac. The major breakthrough was the release of Bluestacks 2 which made its debut with a bang. It offered tons of features that really made playing Android games on computer an easy task. Before its release, games like Modern Combat, and other touchscreen hungry games would not run normally. They would require awkward methods to play with mouse and keyboard. Since the release of Bluestacks 2, the support for making this gaming more feasible has been massively increased.

Recently, Bluestacks 3 was released. Anything, if any, that was missing from previous version, has been covered in it. Moreover, it is much faster and reliable. It offers true multi tasking. Even though this feature was available in previous version, it did not sport true multi windows. Using Bluestacks 3, users can create multiple instances of it with multiple game accounts. For example, if someone wants to play Clash of Clans on two different accounts, then they can do so with Bluestacks 3 now.

There are some other useful features like improved keyboard and mouse mapping. Option to add joystick simulator along with other device actions like shaking, sliding, tilting, sliders and more. All of these features cover more then enough titles that have been released on Google Play Store. Therefore, if there was a mobile game that you could not play on laptop or desktop PC earlier, it is possible now.

Follow these steps to download and install Bluestacks 3 using Offline installer on Windows PC and laptops.

Bluestacks 3 indir

Download Bluestacks 3 Offline / Standalone Installer

  • Use one of the links given below to download Bluestacks 3 offline installer for Windows PC.

Bluestacks 3n

Bluestacks 3 Standalone / Offline Installer || Mega Mirror for Bluestacks 3 Offline installer

Bluestacks 3 Vs 4

  • From here on, you have to follow the installation steps as they come along.
  • To have a clearer view of the installation process, follow this Bluestacks 3 Installation guide.